Sunday, March 22, 2015

Indian Govt is serious about child adoption

I am very glad to learn that Indian Government is taking the child adoption seriously.

Union Minister Maneka Gandhi says "Adoption rate in India is shameful". She also recognizes the declining rate of adoption as the agencies are reporting lesser orphans count.  Read more.

She also recognizes the need for amending the juvenile act to make way for more adoption. Read more.

This is very heartening to learn!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Emotion is physical

Some of my friends think that rather than adopting just one child, we should support many children through philanthropic efforts. Agree. However, let's also agree, if each one of us adopt one child, there will be more references of adoption. Man is an emotional beast. He will remain a beast if he does not get the emotional and loving touch from the parents. He will become a beast if he gets all the bad touch.
At the time of me writing this, I am sure thousands of kids calling for support. I am not sure if the philanthropic friends have served them.
Please support my adoption thinking and efforts.